Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shake it, baby!!!

Still remember what we had learned last month? Everyone in our class seemed to enjoy themselves very much. Ms Loh hopes that the lyric is easy enough for everyone to memorize it.

If you want to share it with your friends from other classes or your siblings at home, show them the video, and of course, enjoy the shaking with them too!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Nursery Rhyme: Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king horses,

And all the king's men,

Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tongue Twisters for Beginner (Part 1)

Annie ate apples.

Buy black bananas.

Cute cats can crawl.

Don't dig daisies.

Eat eleven eels.

Fred found five frog feet.

Great green gorillas.

Help his horse.

Iggy imagined igloos in ice.

Jason jumped Jerry's jacks.

Kind kangaroos kissed.

Lily licked large lemon lollipops.

Mary moved my mittens.

Song: I'm A Little Teapot

I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle [one hand on hip]
Here is my spout [other arm out straight]

When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out![as song ends, lean over and tip arm out like a spout]

I'm a clever teapot
Yes it's true
Here's an example of what I can do
I can change my handle to my spout [switch arm positions and repeat tipping motion]
Just tip me over and pour me out

Song: I Love You, You Love Me

photo taken from

I love you
You love me
We are happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?

I love you
You love me
We are best friends
Like friends should be
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?

Letter Charades

1. Make some action cards and put it inside a box.
(Suggested actions: jump, run, clap hands, stamp feet, hop, shake body, stand up, sit down)

2. Ask one or your friends to choose a card from the box and do the action.

3. The rest of you try to guess what the action is.
Try to spell the words if you can.

Change your mind please...

Who said learning english so bored?? I personally don't agree with that!!

Everybody can learn this beautiful language in a light way. Try with the songs or the games recommended here and you might change your mind.

Miss Loh just want to share the activities that had already carried out in the classroom so that you, dear friends or dear students of me, can leave a comment to let me know whether you enjoy the activity or not.

Remember to try those games Ms Loh never carry out in the classroom with your friend too.
I am sure you will love it!